Feeling nosey or curious about what is going on in any given neighbourhood? Find out what your neighbours are listing for! Looking to move to a certain city or even specific area? Join our neighbourhood watch and receive notifications when listings have been posted for your desired location. From renting to buying, the watch has its eyes out for you!

Looking for a specific environment? Unsure where you want to live. Let us help you discover what area of the GTA best suits you and the lifestyle you are looking for. Once you have fallen in love with an area we can keep track of the upcoming listings.
Keep up with your lifestyle changes:
Fallen in love with a neighbourhood?
Sometimes when you know, you know. Love the environment of a very specific region? Receive listings for your perfect match!

Going to work?

Are you looking for a place that allows you to have a good work/life balance? If you know where you want to live, join our watch and receive notifications of listings in your desired location.
Move closer to family?
Life happens and sometimes looking for something a little closer to friends or family would make life easier. Receive listings around your family’s neighbourhood in order to move a little closer to home.

Going to School?

Maybe you need a rental for the upcoming semester. You can receive listings that suit your desired lifestyle.
Whatever the location you are interested in, the watch is here for you. Join our watch or get a free consultation today!